Los Algodones Dentists Guide

do I need teeth whitening or cleaning?

Hello readers! Welcome to another interesting topic. Today I want to help those patients who havHow to have perfect white teethe stained teeth and are unsure if they need a cleaning, teeth whitening or both. It is not a stupid question at all and in fact, it will make you smarter when making your appointment. Everyone wants a perfect white smile but does not want to spend crazy amounts of money or worse, spending money for getting no improvement at all.

Which to choose?

To tackle this subject it is important to take some things into account. One of them is your dental hygiene routine; ask yourself how often do you brush? How often do you use dental floss and mouthwash? If you are the kind of person that brush their teeth at least two times a day, along with flossing and rinsing with mouthwash then a cleaning is for you to maintain your smile. If it is not the case then whitening may be the procedure to get.

Habits to improve whitening

Another thing to consider is your diet and habits. Smoking, alcohol, coffee are some example of food and drinks you should avoid at all cost if you want a perfect smCoffee-stained-teeth-solutionile. Consuming too much of these can stain your teeth pretty badly or worse, destroy them completely. If you have been doing these for so long then teeth whitening will be a better option than cleaning. If you are just starting then cleaning will suffice to return your smile to its natural white.


However you should visit your dentist at least twice a year for cleaning. If you are interested in the best dentists in Los Algodones Mexico, then we are the right choice for you. We offer you great deals in cleaning and whitening to leave your teeth nice and neat. We work with the best in town.