Los Algodones Dentists Guide

How sugar destroys you smile

Sugar is an ingredient that is present in almost every food we consume. Many patients do not pay too much attention to this, until it is too late. If you eat too much sugar in your diet, your teeth can suffer some nasty consequences. That is why today I want to talk to you guys on how to avoid it and what can you do about it. I will teach you some ways you can mitigate the effects on your teeth so you can have a beautiful smile again.


Before we start I want to tell you that you can find tons of articles in our blog about dental. Dental treatments and dental hygiene is our top priority with our patients. Feel free to read some articles if you want to improve your dental health. Also, you can leave suggestions down below in the comments. We would like to hear from you guys and see what you think.


Why avoid too much sugar in our diet?

As you may know sugar can create havoc in your teeth. The effects can be everlasting and permanent, you do not want that. The damages can begin with stains and over time it can cause tooth loss. It all start with accumulation of plaque and tartar in your teeth. If you leave it there it can lead to dental caries. After that, your teeth will rot without any doubt. Besides, it will leave a really bad breath.


Leaving your teeth dirty can also cause gums infection. This is such bad news because it can lead to gingivitis. You gums can literally wear down and develop a bad case of periodontitis. So it is not a matter of only teeth, all your mouth can be in danger if you abuse sugar. To avoid this you need to practice a good dental hygiene among other habits we will tell you above.


How to clean your teeth properly



For starters you need a good dental hygiene at home. Brush your teeth 3 times a day using a soft bristle toothbrush. You want to scrub gentle and slow to avoid damaging your gums and enamel. After that use dental floss to clean between your teeth to reach that spot. It is always a nice idea to use an interdental toothbrush to clean between your teeth. Plaque and tartar tend to accumulate there too so be wary of this spot too.


After that you have to rinse with mouth wash to get rid of gunk, bacteria and germs remaining. This routine you have to do it 3 times a day at least. This will keep everything clean and neat. Sugar will not have much chance to ruin your smile, however that is not all. Obviously you have to change some things in your diet, the first thing is to cut down on sugar.


Try to tone down soft drinks and sweets, those two are what contain the most sugar. I am not saying you should quit them forever, I love them myself. But reduce its consumption to have better teeth. To have healthy teeth you have to eat better, opt for more fruits and vegetables. Apples and pears are really good for natural cleansing and the fructose in them does not damage your teeth. Apart from this, drinks lots of water daily, at least 8 glasses a day.

Dentists are the ultimate help

Even so you need a cleaning done by a professional dentist to keep your teeth away from diseases. The damage that accumulates from sugar can only be reversed by professional cleaning. And that is where we come into the picture. We know that going to the dentist twice a year as you ought to can be expensive in the United State. But you can save 50% and less in dental by using our services.


You can schedule an appointment now with the best dentists in Los Algodones, Mexico. The process is really easy and simple and totally FREE. Use the contact form above to let us know what dental treatment are you interested in. We will contact you within 24 hours to send you an estimate and you can decide the date for your appointment. You can speed things up by calling us at the number above or using the chat box in business hours.


Now that you know do not be shy and write us to say hi, we love hearing from you. We will accompany you all the way so you reach the dental clinic sound and safe. We can arrange pick ups at the border and accommodation. Our job is to help you guys find affordable dental treatment and make the experience easier for you. So do not doubt to ask us anything you want regarding our services.

Final tips to avoid sugar


The first tip to avoid sugar is to use other replacements such as stevia. This can help you to get that sweet flavor without the cons of sugar. Stevia reduces a lot the chances of suffering from dental diseases, but even so, keep up your dental hygiene. As I said before drinking more water can help you to mitigate the effects in your teeth. A healthy mouth is well hydrated, so do not sleep on water.


One of my favorite habits is to chew sugarless gum. This can help a lot to clean your teeth. All thanks to saliva which cleans them naturally. Of course, sugarless gum is need and not regular chewing gum. There are many brands available out there that will help you chew away tartar and plaque. One  tip I can give you is that always seek for products with the ADA seal of approval. It is a sign of quality for dental hygiene.


That is all for today, hope you found all of this really helpful. See you next week with another article on dental. Until then, do not forget to take care of your teeth and contact us if you wish to make an appointment with our awesome dentists!