Los Algodones Dentists Guide

Effects of Alcohol on Oral Health

Alcohol consumption is a risk factor for oral and other types of cancer. Alcohol can have many negative effects on overall health, causing brain, liver, pancreas, heart, and immune system damage. Drinking alcohol on a regular basis can lead to the development of cancer in different zones of the body, especially the mouth, throat, esophagus, breast, and liver.

The excessive consumption of this substance can also cause alcohol dependency, depression, memory loss, stomach ulcers, early aging, impotence, and the rise of the violent and irrational behavior.When it comes to alcohol it is recommendable to consume it in moderated portions.

Damages to Oral Health

As a risk factor for oral cancer, the consumption of alcohol can lead to the uncontrollable growth of cancer cells in the mouth, floor of the mouth, tongue, lips, sinuses, throat, and hard and soft palate.

The most common symptoms that can indicate oral cancer are:

  • The apparition of red or white patches in the mouth.
  • Bleeding in the mouth
  • Sores in the mouth that doesn’t heal easily
  • Swellings inside the mouth
  • Numbness or tenderness in the face, neck or mouth
  • Pain in the throat
  • Issues to chew, swallow, moving the jaw or speaking.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms get in contact with a professional immediately.

Drinking alcohol in excess can also cause many other damages to oral health, some of them are:

Tooth Staining:

Colored alcohol beverages like red wine, sangria, and other similar drinks can stain your teeth. The regular consumption of drinks of this type can cause discoloration and dullness in your teeth that can be hard to fix later.

Irritation of The Oral Tissue:

Alcohol can cause the irritation of the oral tissue which can also produce other issues like the delayed healing following an oral surgery.

Tooth Decay:

Alcohol represents a major risk factor of tooth decay because of its high content of sugar that leads to the proliferation of bacteria in the mouth. If you are going to drink alcohol make sure that the beverage doesn’t contain high levels of sugar and don’t forget to brush your teeth well after drinking alcohol.

Dry Mouth:

Drinking alcohol can lead to dehydration, an issue that causes damages to the teeth as it leads to the decrease of the saliva flow in the mouth, which is primordial to wash away the teeth and keep them free from bacteria. If you are going to drink alcohol try to drink water regularly too, alternating a glass of water between the glasses of alcohol.

Periodontal Disease:

Some researchers have shown that consuming alcoholic beverages can cause damages to the gums.

How to prevent the negative effects of alcohol on your oral health

As it was said before, when it comes to alcohol it is recommendable to consume it in moderated portions. The key to drinking alcohol without having it any negative effects to your oral and overall health is to control the portions. If you consume alcoholic beverages in a moderated way it probably won’t cause any damage to your oral or overall health either.