Los Algodones Dentists Guide

Oral Piercing Repercussions On Dental Health

Tattoos, piercings and other forms of body art have become into strong trends that keep gaining more followers over time and that are frequently used by many people as a way to express their individuality or personality. Some others consider the use of these body accessories as a way to look for attention or for people to just feel that they “fit in” by following a trend. In either case, there is a more important aspect to consider when making the choice of tattooing or piercing yourself, and it is the negative repercussions that any of this aesthetic procedures can bring to your health.

Oral piercings are not the exception and just as they can look very cool, they may as well represent a danger to your dental health. Make sure you’re well aware of all the negative consequences that this procedure can bring before you pierce your tongue, cheeks or lips, so you know the dangers you will be exposed to and take the most appropriate choice for you and your health.


Infections: bacterial infections are the most common oral pierce related problem. It can occur right after the perforation is done or sometime later, but the possibility of developing a bacterial infection is always there. Blood-borne hepatitis, herpes, and angina are illnesses that could be caused by some infection. The possibility of an allergic reaction to the metal of the piercing also exists.

To prevent this complication, make sure in the first place that the perforation is done with tools that are properly sterilized, brush and flush your teeth every day and never touch the piercing without cleaning your hands before.


Swelling: after getting a piercing, it is normal for your tongue to swell, but you must be careful because if the swelling keeps increasing the airway can be blocked.


Nerve damage: after piercing the tongue there can be a temporary nerve damage that would cause the numbness of this muscle. In some cases, this damage can be permanent and could also affect the way you move your mouth or the sense of taste.


Damage to gums: most people with oral piercings tend to play with them which can cause injuries in the gums when they’re rubbed by the jewelry.


Damage to teeth: bit or play with the jewelry can also lead to damages on the teeth as chips, fractures, scratches or sensitivity.


Post-piercing cares

If you already have a piercing, you probably know how to take care of it, but if you’re considering getting one, it’s really helpful to know about how to do so before making the choice, so you can see if you’re willing to take care of your perforations.

The main care to prevent an infection and other damages are to always keep a good oral hygiene, brushing the teeth and flossing them every day, using an antiseptic mouthwash after every meal and also brushing the piercing piece. It is also very important to remove the jewelry before sleeping, eating or playing a sport.


Will you consider having an oral piercing after reading this article?